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How To Triple Your Fanbase In 30 Days

I work with hundreds of musicians in DKMBA every single day and one thing that has really

stood out to me is the amount that are focusing on the wrong things. They’re always after

that perfect set up, the most expensive piece of kit or the most advanced technique. You

might focus on getting the best camera, the best lighting, the best editing software, but the

reality is, these things don’t matter. You can use your iPhone, the sun and iMovie – it

doesn’t make any difference because THE most important thing is doing something enough

times to get some traction. To get good at it. To understand the process and figure out what

it is that people like about what you do.

When it comes to growing your socials and audience, you know that you have to put out

content. But then what usually happens is you start focusing on the wrong bit. Say you

decide that you are going to post every day at 5 o’clock so you can get ourselves nice and

organised. Well, the problem here is that now you’ll wake up every day and think “Oh god,

what am I going to post today?!”. This is when the pressure and the stress comes in. Instead

of focusing on creating the content, you’re now focusing on a looming deadline. As

creatives, being creative is not the issue, but add in this deadline of a couple of hours to

create something equals bad quality content. Or, even worse – no content at all!

This deadline brings on the self-doubt. The over thinking sets in. Your perfectionism creeps

in. You start putting posting off because you don’t think your content is good enough or that

it doesn’t reflect you. You push it back a day, another day, a week, a month and before you

know it 3 months have passed, and it feels too late to start.

There is a name for this feeling: paralysis by over analysis. You’re analysing everything so

much that you end up not doing anything at all. But, there is another way!

Instead of imposing this deadline on yourself, allocate time in your diary just for content

conception and creation. Setting aside an hour or two a week to create content removes

this feeling of impending doom and allows you to spend time creating content that truly

reflects you as an artist and adds real value to your audience. Write a blog, record a vlog, do

a performance, tell a story, do a photoshoot, write a new song, set up a collaboration. There

are so many options that can be turned into fantastic content and creating it is so much

easier without the pressure of time.

Another benefit of allocating time to content creation is that you can batch your content.

Instead of thinking, “I need to do a social media picture” you can think “Hey, I’ve got two

hours, let’s see how many pictures I can make in this time”. Because you’re in the zone

you’ll find it easier to make multiple pieces of content in one go.

Now let’s go back to the start where I told you that the most important thing is to do

something enough times that you build traction, get good at and understand it. My top hack

for implementing this is to use my ‘100 rule’. Instead of thinking about what you’re going to

do today, think about the next 100. Your next 100 gigs, your next 100 songs, your next 100

pieces of content. By thinking about and creating the next 100 of anything means that by

the time you reach 100 , you are going to have so much more experience, be further along

and be better at what you’re doing and will have a more advanced audience than when you

started. If you focus on creating 100 pieces of content rather than a deadline, the pressure is

removed, and you’ll find that what you create has a flow that will be more engaging with

your audience.

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